Friday, September 14, 2007

Music Blog/ Recap

So I started a music blog for my friend Zee Kewlmin (isn't that the most awesome name ever) it can be found at The only entry so far is a retrospective documentary on Becks album Mellow Gold. I highly recommend you take a look at it.

Well it has been 1o days ( I am on the 11th) and checking off the goals has been pretty hard. I have done 5 of the 101 items on my list which from one perspective is really awesome because to be on track I would really only need to acomplish one goal every 9.9 days. But from what may be a more realistic perspective I am just eliminating all of the easy goals. My fear is that when I only have hard to acomplish goals left at one point and then I will get discouraged and quit. Well lets hope for the best.

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