Wednesday, November 19, 2008

To Do List

So lets see if I can do it today.

Math H.W. 2.4
Math H.W. 2.5
Buy Toothpaste
Time With God Done
Go To Bible Talk at Canyon
Study Spanish
Write English DB Post
Do Music Assignment
Go to Midweek Done
Go to Math Class Done

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

To Do List

Math H.W. 2.4
Study Poli Sci Done
Take Poli Sci Test Done
Go To Spanish Class Done
Pay Cell Phone Bill Done
Get Black Berry Checked Out Done
Call Verizon About BB Done
Make Lunch Done
Time With God Done
Buy Toothpaste
Go To Bible Talk Done
Get an Eye Exam Done
Buy New Glasses Done
Pick Up Glasses Done
Check to See When Next DB Post is due Done
Call Brandon Done
Study Spanish

Friday, October 31, 2008

I saw Rain Man

I saw Rain Man today it is a really cheesy 80's movie.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I went Camping This Weekend

I went camping by Lake Beuana Vista with my Church. I had asked Ian if we could use his gear on the trip which I had not realized included two jet skis. It was a fantasic weekend. Spritiual and fun. I went tubing and got out on the waverunner and had some good time praying and reading the Bible. Plus it acomplished one of my goals.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Date 26 I should be at 38

So I am a quater of the way done with going out on 1o1 dates. Though I should probably be on 38. Well I am trying to pick up the pace. I have several set up.

Friday, September 5, 2008

To Do List 9/5

Update Goal Blog
Time With God
Call Viacel About Centro Cover
Write Letter to Financial Aid Office
Turn in Paperwork for Financial Aid
Go To Verizon Store
Mail Covers to Katie
Pick Up Accessories from Viacel
Do Math HW Section R.1 & R.2
Call Mikey About Saturday
Call Kent to Update Him on Study With Danny
Music 105 Stucture of Music Assesment
Respond to Locke and Hobbes DB Posts
Make Pricelist
Update Company Mileage
Find Tax Forms to Email Jen

I have Done It

I am pretty stoked. It has been about 13 months since I have drunk alcohol. Which in the grand scheme of things is not that long, but it thought me a lot. I realized that I am not an alcoholic. Though it also brought into clarity the fact that I am a coffee addict, a food addict and that I am very codependent and that is what causes me to socially get drunk some times. I am not really sure where to go from here. I think what I have learn is that in all things I need to have self control.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Do List 9/4

Time With God Done
Go to Bible Talk Done
Do Bible Study with Danny Done
Go to HITE Open House Done
Finish Power Point For Spanish Done
Check Evite Status Done
Call Sarah About Saturday Done
Call Stephanie About Saturday Done
Text Azin About Saturday Done
Call Mikey About Saturday Done
Call Kent to Update Him on Study With Danny Done

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3rd To Do List

Time With God Done
Do Math Quiz Done
Fill Out EDD Forms Done
Download Tax Returns Done
Buy Stamps Done
Pick Up Accessories from Viacel Done
Pick Up Accessories from Hypercel Done
Sell Cans Done
Call US Bank Done
Mail EDD Forms Done
Print Tax Forms Done
Call Kent About Sep 10th Done
Take English Quiz Done

Monday, September 1, 2008

I kind of wanted a beer today

So I am nearly done with my no drinking for 365s goal. The cool thing is that it was a leap year so I finish a day earlier than I thought. The bad news is tomorrow is labor day and I saw some pictures of some of my friends at a BBq and it made me want to have a beer. So no Labor Day beer for me but on the 3rd its all good.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To Do List 7/21 : )

Write 2 Econ Papers Done
Call Melik Done
Deliver Product to Melik Done
Deliver Z9i's to Melik Done
Pick up product from Hypercel Done
Pay Hypercel Done
D-time With Kent Done
Figure out How Much Money I need for the Trip Done
QT with Brandon Spencer Done
Cash Sheryl's Check Done

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mini Update/ To Do list 7/10

Wow things have been crazy with school and work. So much so that I haven't even had time to think about what I need to do. Which really bugs me because when I have a lot of things to do I can't rap my mind around them all with out writing things down. It seems like they swirl around in my head like a tornado and I can only really work on the things that are huge like the house from The Wizard of OZ.

Well here is what I have to do today:
Time With God Done
Create To Do List Done
Study for Psychology Final Done
Write Psychology Responses
Take Psychology Chap 15 Quiz Done
Wash Two Load Done
Fold Laundry Done
Call Russell Done
Call Dustin

Go to PE Done
Email the People From Conference

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Schindlers List

I wept intensely my eyes feel reborn.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

To Do List 5/30

Wow it has been a while since I finished or even really wrote a to do list. Though I am proud to say I finished my to do list yesterday. I am not sure if I have too many things I want or need to do. Or if I am just not hard working enough. I guess I will see in the upcoming days as I try to acomplish my to do list for 90 days in a row.

Read Chapter 9 of Acts Done
Follow Up With Lakeview Done
Hangout With Michael Hammer Done
Call IRS to Figure out Income Taxes Done
Fill out 2003 Income Taxes Done
Fill Out 2005 Income Taxes Done
Call Christine About 2003 1099 Done
Check What Books I need to buy Done
Watch Fog of War Done
Talk to Ron about Youth Camp Done

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wow Crash

I just saw the 2005 Best Picture Academy Award Winner, Crash. It was the second time I had seen it. The first time I saw it I think I was too rapped up in the controversy about the how it handled the subject of race relations to get the full impact of the movie.

Today I went into it think I have already seen the movie but I have to watch it to check it off the list of my goals. But it really moved me and helped me to better see what life is like in a city I have lived almost my whole life. The movie elegantly shows how we are all interlinked but are so distant from each other. It was interesting how the snow at the end was falling on all of the city. When I saw the girl get shot it had me in tears. I was balling.

Then I think so often I go through life not really thinking about how nuanced my racial prejudices are. There are times when people fall into stereotypes and I think racism is appropriate. Then there are other times when I am completely offended by racism. A lot of times I feel like the young cop helpless to do anything and trapped in a prejudice world. But I never talk about that because racism is so taboo I want to brush it under the rug. I think the blunt club approach of the movie is really a great balance to how most people choose to think or talk about race.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Random Update (Becuase I Had Time)

So time has been freed up recently (by me getting laid off) to work on my goals. I am looking forward to putting it to good use.

Yesterday I read a book. I spent some time this morning reading and updating my blogs. So good things are already happening.

Oh and Ian, my buddy who helped me with the goal of inviting 300 people to Church in one day has pledged to help me find a place to go ride a mechanical bull. So that goal will soon be accomplished.

I am also a set of guitar strings and 1001 hours away from accomplishing guitar practice goal thanks to an awesome set of books from The Amazing Charles Lewis.

Also I am still in school. It is not going as well as I would have hoped but it is still recoverable hopefully Monday I will have time to go to get some tutoring. Plus I think I will be taking 9 units this Summer which will be a little crazy especially because they will all be online classes but it will put me on pace to Graduate from COC by May 31st 2001(or 2010). So that goal would then be accomplished.

So it seems like all systems go I am pretty excited.

To Do List 5/2

Time With God Done
Update Goal Blog Done
Update Résumé
Create a list of Ten Jobs
Talk to David about Net Terms
Edit Hypercel Online Photos Done
D-Time With Kent Done
D-time With James Done
Talk to Tiffany about Tomorrow Done
Do Math Homework
Walk 90 Minutes
Do 45 minutes of Cardio

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

To Do List 4/9

Fold Up Blankets Done
Time With God Done
Review Goals Done
Update Goal Blog Done
Go To Work Done
Organize Google Reader Done
Get My Hair Cut Done
Find Out If I Need A Smog Check* Done
Figure out how often I need to go on dates** Done
Email Kent*** Done
Make 49 Cold Calls Done
Create Customer Email List Done
Finish The Psychic Soviet Undone
Read Vampirism and Vampirilogy Undone
Work on Memorizing Psalm 119 Done
Midweek Service Done
Walk 90 Minutes Done
Do 45 Minutes of Cardio Undone
See how much weight I can bench press *****

**One every 9 days.
**** I talked to him in person
***** I can bench 110 lbs plus the bar so I am guessing 135lbs

Sunday, April 6, 2008

To Do List 4/6

Fold Up Blankets (Done)
Time With God and Charlie (Done)
Sunday Service (Done)
Go To Charles' House (Try to Find ATM Card) (Done)
Go to Dinner at Domel's (Done)
Clean Up Photo's For Hypercelonline (Done)
Walk For 90 Minutes
Lunch With Guys (Done)

: ( I did everything but walk today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To Do List 3/25

Time with God
Go To Work(Done)
Do Math 7.1 Homework
Do Math 7.3 Homework
Practice Photoshop(Done)
Call Kent(Done)
Write Blog Entry(Done)

Monday, March 24, 2008

To Do List 3/24

Read the Bible(Done)
Study For Math Test (Done)
Go to the DMV(Done)
Do Laundry(Done)
Do a Bible Study with Nick(Done)
Go to Class(Done)
Write Blog Entry(D0ne)

Update: I didn't do very much but I did all I set out to do.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

To Do List Woes

I have had a lot of stuff on my plate lately and I have been taking care of some urgent things over some important things so I have been having trouble finishing my To Do List. Hopefully I can get back on track with that today.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Busy Day

Today was a great day of dates.

My first date was super chill though there was a lot of driving. Since it was a double date I had to drive from Newhall to Canyon Country to pick up my doubles date. Then we drove to Burbank to pick up my date. We made great time and where actually 10 minutes early. Some times I have trouble with punctuality so I was really happy that we got there early. After we picked up my date we went to Islands. I hadn't done enough preparation before the date so I had to get directions from my date which ended up being ok but I wish I had planned better. Then after eating at Islands we went over to Barnes and Noble and picked out some of our favorite children's books and read them to each other. The book I chose was The Giving Tree. So I guess I that means I am down to only needing to read 98 more books. My date chose if you give a mouse a cookie. After that we took our dates home. Even though it was super chill and not very long I was rather tired after the date. The only hitch was that I had to immediately get ready for my second date of the day.

The second date of they day involved picking my date up in the San Fernando Valley the driving to Fountain Valley. But it was well worth it. Right after my double and I picked up our dates who conveniently lived together we went around the corner to California Pizza Kitchen. We ate and then drove down to Fountain Valley . On the way down my date told me that she listens to every type of music which sparked a debate to see who had more varried musical taste, because so many people say everything when they really only like a couple of types of music.
Once we got Fountain Valley there we partied down at a Church dance for Valentines Day.

The whole day was super cool!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mission Acomplished

Read Bible and Pray
Go See James Johnson
Walk 90 Minutes
Make 75 Cold Calls
Read Crazy Things Seem Normal Normal Things Seem Crazy
Go Grocery Shopping
Accomplish To Do List

Today for the first time I did my whole to do list. Now lets see if I can keep it going.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Moving Right Along?

As far as my goals go I am in a weird phase. I have so many to accomplish that I feel like it may not get done. Then on the other hand I am making so many strides doing so many things to accomplish them that i have a great deal of hope.

When I started there was a pure joy that seemed to fuel my efforts. Now I know that it is only the LORD that will enable me to accomplish all of these things. So truly commitment rules the day. A commitment to God and a commitment to doing the things necessary to get things done.